Introduction: Active Camera Tripod

About: I'm a french native speaker. I'll appreciate any help to make my things understandable ;-)
[   Category: 18+  ]

Digital cameras are wonderful devices making experiments with images very easy.

You might dream of features that are not available in your camera menu.

This project helps you realizing the following:
- cylindrical or hemispherical panoramas
- stop motion animations
- night photography

It can be used “headless ” (no computer attached).
Pictures will be available on camera memory card for computer processing.

This instructable provides drawings and arduino sketch.
The provided sketch (firmware) can easily be upgraded by anyone to provide more features.

You will need the following:

        - 3x small wheels
        - thin panel either wood or acrylic (e.g. plywood, MDF, Medium-density fibreboard)
        - 2x standard size servos (e.g. Futaba S3003)

        - more thin panels
        - 1x micro servo (e.g. Futaba S3107)
        - “L” brackets (e.g. ~2.5 inches or 6 centimeters)

        - Arduino 2009 (aka. Duemilanove) or latest model
        - Arduino Sensor Shield (i.a. grid pin header connections)
        - LCD (HD44780-based) + cable + connectors (prefer backlit LCD)
        - buttons + prototype PCB + resistors + cable + connector

        - laser cutter (for the luckiest)
        - drill,
        - saw,
        - sandpaper,
        - pen,
        - cutter (for the others)
        - soldering iron

        - bolts and nuts
        - threaded rot and wingnuts
        - wire
        - adhesive tape
        - bolt to attach the camera (0.25”)

        - buzzer + cable + connector (beep before a shot)
        - photoresistor + cable + connector (light -> exposure & lcd back-light)

Step 1: Build the Base

Print the drawing without scaling it.

    - insert the jpeg-drawings in your favorite editor
    - set or keep the image size at 100%
    - set your printer driver’s scaling option to “None”
    - check the printed scale with a ruler (inches or centimeters)
        (adjust and reprint if necessary)

Use a cutter to have adequate marks

Stick the paper on the wood panel with adhesive tape
see picture

Draw more marks
see picture

Saw and drill

Step 2: Cut the Sides

Same procedure...

Step 3: Build the Head

Same procedure...

Drill holes (1/4” or 6.5mm) on the lower panel to fit your cameras.

Attach the panel with threaded rot and nuts/wingnuts

Step 4: Assemble the Mechanical Parts

Step 5: Add the Electronics

the servos,
the Arduino 2009, 
the LCD, etc.

Add the "Sensor shield"

Step 6: The Keypad

We have a simple resistor network for keyboard.

- assemble resistors and buttons
     - solder buttons
     - put 4.7kΩ close to the VCC (+5V) wire
     - put 1kΩ next to the buttons
- put solder according to the drawing

Step 7: The Display

Power connector (2 connectors)
    - VCC (red) -> pin 2 (LCD)
    - GND (black) -> pin 1 (LCD)

control connector (9 or 4+2 connectors)
    - Data4 (1st) -> pin 14 (LCD)
    - Data5 (2nd) -> pin 13 (LCD)
    - Data6 (3rd) -> pin 12 (LCD)
    - Data7 (4th) -> pin 11 (LCD)
       not used
    - Enable (6th) -> pin 6 (LCD)
    - RS (7th) -> pin 4 (LCD)

On the LCD
    - tie pin 1 and 5
    - place 4.7k potentiometer between VCC and GND, divider pin on pin 6 (LCD)

Step 8: Tilt Servo Calibration

Upload the firmware to the Arduino 2009

(power off)

    - titl servo to digital pin no.5
    - LCD as described
    - keypad to analog input no. 0

(power on)

Skip the shutter calibration (press the OK key)
and select the "Point to option" on the main menu

Use the up and down arrows until you reach the 90° angle
Adjust the "L" bracket at the horizontal position

Step 9: Finalize the Head

Assemble the part from step 3.

Attach the micro servo (the finger on the shutter).

Now, we have something like this...

Step 10: The Software (sketch)

Find info on
Use the  to compile the attached code.
Plug USB cable and upload.


    - Display welcome message
    - Attach the servos one at a time
    - Assist user to adjust shutter servo (up and down keys)

Main menu
    - "Point to" option will move the camera with the up, down, left, right keys until "OK" is pressed
    - "Shoot one" option takes  one picture 8-)
    - "Cylindrical panorama" option takes a panorama at the defined altitude
    - "Hemispherical panorama" option takes pictures on every altitude/azimuth
    - "Stop motion" option takes pictures a defined interval

Pressing any key (left/right is better) will send you back to main menu.

Step 11: The Software (computer)

Stitch with or one of these
Animate with with GAP (The GIMP Animation Package) or your favorite picture editor.

You will find several instructables for this.


              Have fun!

National Robotics Week Robot Contest

Finalist in the
National Robotics Week Robot Contest

3rd Epilog Challenge

Participated in the
3rd Epilog Challenge