Introduction: Intro: Mini Golf

This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (

Step 1: Mini Golf

This project is a small mini golf game all 3D printed. The parts include the golfer, golf club, golf slide 1, golf slide 2, golf hole, flag, and the ball. The control system is consisted of Arduino, IR receiver, IR controller, and the Servo motor. The way the project works is that I glued the servo motor base to the golfer’s stomach, and then I glued the golf club to the moving part of the servo.

Step 2: STL Files

Step 3: Golf Code File

Step 4: Code Description

Step 5: Control System

Step 6: Equipment Needed

Servo Motor

IR receiver

IR Controller


Arduino UNO

Step 7: Conclusion

Make sure you use the codes for the specific remote control you will be using. All you have to do is look up the frequency for your remote and find the code. By pushing the buttons on the IR control it will control the movement of the servo motor displaying a swinging motion of the golf club, and the objective of the game is to score the ball into the hole.