Introduction: Introduction Library WifiManager for Esp8266
The main disadvantage is to configure the network credentials in a esp8266 without requiring to modify and download the firmware again, I have tested with several methods to dynamically store the SSID and PASSWORD of a network.
In the case of the esp8266 programmed in Arduino IDE for some time I have seen a proposal called WIfiManager presented by Tzapu, which allows an agile and fast connection, the first tests are registered since 2015.
This time we will make a brief introduction to the WifiManager library, I have tested 2 similar versions.
Version 1: WifiManager created by tzapu - creator
Version 2: WifiManagerby Ken Taylormodified and based on WifiManager created by tzapu.
Note: they work perfectly, obviously between the 2 libraries there are variations in code implementations and that generates incompatibilities or errors in some functions between version 1 and 2.
PDAControl: Complete info and more test.
Introduction library WifiManager
PDAControl: Informacion Completa y mas pruebas.
Introduccion libreria WifiManager
Thanks you for this great contribution...
Ken Taylor
Step 1: Materials
- 1 Module ESP8266 12E Node MCU or ESP8266 12F
- 1 Pushbutton"normally open" NO
- 2 Resistors 220 Ohm
- 1 Resistors 10K
- 2 Diode led, "red y green."
- Wires
Step 2: Test Mounting and Conections
An example has been downloaded from Github and has been cut to make a light and simple version, without the slightly complex functionalities that we will see later, this version will realize the basic configuration of NETWORK credentials.
We have used an ESP8266 12E, we have added a button to configure the Wifi and 2 led diodes as indicators.
- GPIO 5 (Pin D1) - Wifi Config button + 10K resistor
- GPIO 14 (Pin D5) - led red + Resistance 220 Ohm
- GPIO 4 (Pin D2) - led green + Resistance 220 Ohm
Step 3: Video: Introduction Library WifiManager Esp8266 Explained - Explicado
Introduction library WifiManager esp8266 explained - explicado
Step 4: Description of Sequence
Description of Sequence
Basic explanation:
- Press "config wifi" button.
- esp8266 resets Network parameters and initiates AP mode "Access Point".
- Create a new Wifi network from the esp8266.Connect to the ESPXXXX network.
- From the browser, enter
- From form make SSID and PASS configuration.
- Reset esp8266, disappears red ESPXXXX.
- esp8266 STA mode will connect and execute void loop code normally.
Step 5: Configuration Network
Step 6: Aditional Parameters
- Custom html text function, allows you to add titles in HTML form.
- Form form to enter string "parameters", create input fields of parameters, to capture parameters and store data requires handling functions SPIFFS and Json.
Step 7: Function Add Css Styles in Html,in This Case Invert Colors
- Function add css styles in html, modify HTML form styles via ccs, in this case invert colors.
Step 8: Boolean Checkbox Function
- Boolean checkbox function to select, enable or disable parameters, to capture parameters and store data requires handling SPIFFS and Json functions.
Step 9: Other Functionalities: Fixed Network Parameters
Fixed Network Parameters
In the case of the previous tests we made a configuration and Wifi connection via DCHP assigned by our router, but there is a method of assigning complete parameters from form:
- Fixed IP address
- Subnet Mask
- Gateway.
Step 10: Parameter Reading Via JSON From Browser in Configuration Mode
Parameter reading via JSON from browser in configuration mode - Version 2.
- scan reading /scan
Step 11: Serial Debugging Connection
Step 12: Example Parameters
Storage of HTML parameters and functionalities - Wifimanager Version 2 libraries
- Entering additional parameters
- Enable checkbox
Step 13: WifiManager + Emoncms + ESP8266 , Configure & Measurement Temperature #1
WifiManager + Emoncms + ESP8266 , Configure & measurement Temperature #1
FirstWiFiManager Integration + Emoncms Client in ESP8266, Configuration and sending of Temperature, without modifying .....
Documentation: WifiManager + Emoncms (OEM) with ESP8266 (Temperature) #1
Step 14: Conclusions More Info
Although we have only done some testing, WifiManager is a good solution fast and easy it works correctly.
We are analyzing the methods used to add and store more parameters, according to the examples a Json file is created in which the parameters are written, this file "config.json" is saved in SPIFFS internal file system the ESP8266, and is written only when configuring parameters and is read every time the module is restarted.
WifiManager + Emoncms (OEM) With ESP8266 (Temperature) #1
In next tutorials - En proximos tutoriales
we will integrate:
esp8266 + WifiManager + Modbus TCP / IP
esp8266 + WifiManager + Modbus RTU
esp8266 + WifiManager + MQTT
esp8266 + WifiManager + CoAP
More information
PDAControl: In English - En español
Industrial Testing
Downloads, references, more test complete...
Introduction library WifiManager
Introduccion libreria WifiManager
Thanks you for this great contribution...