Introduction: Intruder Detector
First, get the following supplies:
Arduino Board
Jumper Wires
Green LED
2 220 ohm Resistors
Four Pin HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
Step 1: UltraSonic Sensor
The wiring for the Ultrasonic sensor is as follows:
VCC: Voltage (5V)
GND: Ground
Trig: Arduino Pin 12
Echo: Arduino Pin 13
Step 2: Servo
The Servo wiring is as follows:
Brown Wire: Ground
Red Wire: Voltage (5V)
Yellow Wire: Arduino Pin 9
Step 3: The LEDs
The orange wire (shown in the pic) connects to arduino pin 3, and the green green connects to ground. The wiring is the exact same for the red LED, except that the orange wire is connected to pin 2.
Step 4: The Code
Step 5: Finished Product
This is the finished product! You can set this up anywhere and detect things now!