Introduction: Ipod Cinema
Make your own art deco style cinema to view your iopd videos- using materials that can be found around the house
i will not be held responsible for any damage caused during the making or usage of this project
i will not be held responsible for any damage caused during the making or usage of this project
Step 1: Gather Materials
you will need:
- ipod (compatible with video format)
- an ipod dock
- plain paper
- small cardboard box
- colourling utensils
- scissors
- tape
- ruler
- pencil
- ipod (compatible with video format)
- an ipod dock
- plain paper
- small cardboard box
- colourling utensils
- scissors
- tape
- ruler
- pencil
Step 2: Construction of Structure
Dismantle your box. Then trace around your ipod on one of the pannels.
Cover the outside of your box with paper to hide the print.
Cut out the window you have made.You may need to exted this hole if your dock allows your iopd to lean back. At this point you may wish to cut out a flap at the back to allow easy acces to your ipod.
Now reasseble the box using tape.
Cover the outside of your box with paper to hide the print.
Cut out the window you have made.You may need to exted this hole if your dock allows your iopd to lean back. At this point you may wish to cut out a flap at the back to allow easy acces to your ipod.
Now reasseble the box using tape.
Step 3:
Now you have the basic structure you can decorate it to suit your tastes. i will show you how to make one like the in the picture seen below.
To make the now showing sign you will need a strip of card. Measure the width of your window. mark this on the srip of card. then fold at either end of the window to make a regular trapezeum.
Draw a gril onto the card with a pancil. outline the border with a black pen. Write now showing or a message of your choice.
To make the now showing sign you will need a strip of card. Measure the width of your window. mark this on the srip of card. then fold at either end of the window to make a regular trapezeum.
Draw a gril onto the card with a pancil. outline the border with a black pen. Write now showing or a message of your choice.
Step 4:
write out the word cinema and colour to your taste. Cut around the letters. Cut out some rectangles of the same lenghts. colour in then cut a dagonal lenght off. arrange in semetrical order and tape to the now showing sign. stick on the sign to your structure.
Step 5:
if you added the flap to the rear, you can turn it into a fire escape by drawing on some doors and an exit sign.
now your all done!
now your all done!