Introduction: Iron Man Reactor for Fun (Digital Motion Processor Joystick)

About: Im inventor, musican and singer, self-taught programmer =)

Hello dears!

This is my first instruction, so hope for your favor and feedback!

The project is an interactive platform for home parties, competitions, events - just for fun.

These are two motion sensors made in the design of the iron man reactor. They are fastened with belts to the person - to his part of the body-chest, stomach, ass and how your imagination wants. Sensors capture movement - shaking sideways and vertically, and tilts to the side and front to back, but in the same poverty body around its axis! The 2.4 GHz radio channel transmits data to a receiver connected to a computer and converts it to the position of the joystick axes.

Description of axes:

The slopes of the right-left axis x Forward-backward tilts-y axis Squats up-down - rotation y axis Shake right-left-rotation x-axis Rotate around its axis - z axis

You can make your game using a program for game developers. There should be support only DirectInput! For example, in a couple of weeks I studied the basic knowledge of the program Game maker Studio.

This manual includes a ready firmware for the receiver and transmitters, as well as one game developed by me.

You can independently make the proposed set for the week, if you know how:


To print on a 3D printer (ATTENTION! All models applied have 100% scale. If you print ABS plastic - increase the scale of the model by the percentage of shrinkage of plastic after cooling. I increased by 1% when printing)

Arduino Programming.

That is all. And, Yes, it will take much longer if you have crooked hands )

Step 1: We're Gonna Need These Parts:

  • 1x Arduino pro micro (module with atmega32u4)
  • 2x Arduino pro mini (module with atmega328)
  • 3x radio modules NRF24l01
  • 3x capacitors 100uF 7-16v
  • 1x 3.3v step down converter
  • 2x 5v step up converter
  • 2x DMP modules MPU6050
  • 2x switchers with fixing
  • 2x 2xAAA battery holder
  • 2x ws2812b ring

And also:

  • wires
  • 8x brass standoffs (M3 x 15mm)
  • 16x m3 screws
  • Friend with 3d printer
  • soldering iron
  • glue gun

  • straight arms

  • arduino uno or usb->uart converter for programming Arduino pro mini

  • usb type a to usb mini cable for arduino pro micro

Step 2: Do Electronics Joysticks.

Do electronics joysticks.

For each joystick, we need: arduino pro mini MPU6050 NRF24l01 100uF capacitor 5v step up converter battery holder 2xAAA switcher

Learn the circuit diagram

Now you need to take a soldering iron, a few wires and prepare to solder.

1.1. NRF24l01 modules are sold with soldered connectors and must be removed.

1.2. then, you need to solder 7 wires with a length of 6cm according to the schematics, just solder directly to the PCB 100uf capacitor to the supply pins.

2.1. To module MPU6050 need to solder 5 wires length 5-6cm according to the scheme.

2.2. Also, you must carefully solder the 3.3 V power wire coming from the NRF24l01 module to the OUT LDO pin on the MPU6050 Board.

3.1. The positive battery holder power wire must be connected by wire to the switch

3.2. The negative battery holder power wire must be connected to the negative input of the step up converter

3.3. The second pin of the switch must be connected to the negative INPUT of step up converter

4.1. A 5-pin programming connector must be soldered to the Arduino pro mini module.

4.2. Connect wires minus and plus OUTPUT step up converter

4.3. TEST. Insert 2 AAA batteries into the battery holder, then turn on the switch - if everything is connected correctly, the red power led should light up on the Arduino.
Off the power. 4.4. Connect the MPU6050 module with wires according to the schematic diagram. 4.5. TEST. Turn on the power, the green power led should light up on the MPU605. Off the power. 4.6. Connect the NRF24l01 radio module to the Arduino with wires.

5.1. Solder the 3 wires of length 10cm to the ws2812b ring to the pins: IN, VCC, GND

Electric schematic of our transmitter ready!

Step 3: ​Create Electronics USB Receiver

Create electronics USB receiver

1.1. NRF24l01 modules are sold with soldered connectors and must be removed.

1.2. then, you need to solder 7 wires with a length of 6cm according to the schematics, just solder directly to the PCB 100uf capacitor to the supply pins.

2.1. Solder 3 wires 5cm long to the step-down converter as indicated in the circuit diagram: 2 wires to the GND pin, 1 wire to the PIN INPUT.

2.2. to pin the OUTPUT solder the power wire from the NRF24l01 module/

3.1. Solder the input wire from step-down converter and the remaining wires from NRF24l01 to Arduino pro micro as specified in the circuit diagram.

3.2. TEST. Connect the USB to USB mini cable to your computer and the Arduino pro micro. If you connect everything as specified in the circuit diagram, the LEDs on the Arduino and step-down converter should light up.

The electrical circuit of our receiver is ready!

Step 4: Programming the Receiver

1.1. Connect your Arduino pro micro through a usb to usb mini adapter to your computer.
1.2. Open the program to flash the HEX. files'. For example, gcUploader (in the attachment), select the port on which you have Arduino defined named "SparkFun Pro Micro".

1.2.1 if Arduino is undecided, install the driver (driver in the attachment, how to install more: ahhh!..

1.3. In the program, select the Arduino type: Arduino Leonardo.

1.4. Drag the receiver-v0 file.ino.hex into the program, and click on the Flash icon.

1.5. TEST. After the firmware in the device windows should see a new device - the "SparkFun Pro Micro" with an icon of a joystick.

Congratulations, we made a receiver of our joysticks!

Step 5: Programming the Transmitters

Programming the transmitter.

1.1. Connect your Arduino Pro Mini (our first joystick) via a usb to uart Converter to your computer as shown in the diagram.

1.2. Open the program to flash the HEX. files'. For example, gcUploader (in the attachment), select the port on which you have Arduino Pro Mini.

1.3. In the program, select the Arduino type: Arduino Pro Mini.

1.4. Drag the mpu6050-RED-mesh0 file.ino.hex to the program and click on the download icon.

1.5. TEST. In Windows, open game controller Settings. When tilting the MPU6050, the x, Y and Z axis of the FIRST game controller must move!

Congratulations, we've made wireless joysticks with motion capture!

To flash the SECOND joystick, repeat steps 1.1-1.5

You can play a little, and begin to create the case!

Step 6: The Creation of the Body!

The creation of the body!

1.1. Make sure you have a 3D printer, or a friend with a 3D printer =)

1.2. Take plastic of two colors: black and transparent!

1.3. Use models to print with black polymer: main-front.STL, front.STL, back.stl

1.4. Use of the model for printing with transparent polymer: transparent.STL

1.5. Collect the details as in the video!

1.5.1. In the "main-front" part, drill a hole in such a place that the wires from WS2812 are pushed through it into the body.

1.5.2. Between the transparent part and the housing part, insert the Ws2812b ring, pull the wires into the housing hole. See video.

1.5.3. On the M3 bolts to screw the brass standoffs. See video.

Now you need to arm yourself with a glue gun and a file.

2.1. Glue the switch.

2.2. Glue the battery holder.

2.3. Glue MPU6050 perpendicular to the body, SMD parts directed to the battery holder. See video.

2.4. Solder the wires from the WS212b ring to the Arduino pins as specified in the circuit diagram in step 2.

2.4.1. TEST. Turn on the joystick, the ring of the first joystick should glow blue, the second one should be red. It should look cool!

2.5. Glue the remaining parts, carefully lay the wires.

2.6. Close the lid and fasten it with M3 bolts to the brass standoffs.

2.7. Insert a rubberized belt with carabiners into the groove of the cover so that the joystick can be attached to itself

The case for the receiver I used a standard-size 35x55x12

Now the fun part! Will check in work in game! ----> NEXT STEP

Step 7: Game!

Unzip the file, connect the receiver, turn on the joysticks and start the game.

Happy gaming!