Introduction: Jack Daniel's Independence Project 2012 James Marling

James Marling
DOB: 11-08-1954

Hello my name is James Marling.
I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family and was raised with the traditional American value that honesty, hard work, and striving for independence create the best path to success.  We have passed these character traits down to our children.

Our 18 year old daughter, Christina, is talented and passionate in art and computer animation. Industry leaders recommend that in order to thrive in this highly competitive field, you need a quality education.

We live in South Florida near one of the best Art Colleges, Ringling College of Art and Design. It’s Christina’s dream College.

A quality education is expensive.  We are not rich. With hard work Jack Daniels became the master of his trade.  With the award money we will be able to provide a beginning for Christina to master her trade.

Parents know you can only be as happy as your saddest child.  Seeing my daughter obtain her dream of attending college will make us all proud, happy, and independent. 

Hard work is the path to success, but once in a while we all need a hand to realize our goals and dreams.

Thank you Jack Daniels