Introduction: Jailbreaking: Advantages VS Disadvantages

About: I love to hack and build
I jailbroke my iPod today and I will wayout the advantages and disadvantages:

But first I will explain what jailbreaking does based on exerince and reading:
Jailbreaking: In simple terms alterls the iOS of a device. In more technical terms it removes Apple's restrications and gives the user access to the file system and root.

I jailbroke using Redsn0w and messed up the first time so all I had to do was reboot and try again.
I'd recomend redsn0w for anyone wanting to Jailbreak after reading this guide.

IMPORTENT: When you jailbreak make sure you exit any iTunes application or your iTunes won't work. (To fix this on Win 7, Log out and then log in)

I will also highlight some usefull apps.

= More Custimbility
= More Themes
= More Free Ringtones
= Apps That Didn't Pass The Apple Quality Test
= Funny Tweaks
= Usefull Apps For Accesesories

= Possibility Of Small Lag (only visible if you watch closly)
= Small Posibiltiy Of Virus
= Some False Apps
= Disables SpellChecker

The most usefull app I have at the moment is: Winterboard

If you would like to go back to original iPod software all you have to do is: Plug it into iTunes and click restore, it will probaly update the software. It will then "contact the iPod restore server' all you have to do is leave it.


(PS: It's Easter over here :))