Introduction: // 3D PUZZLE FURNITURE // Japanese Bondage Shelf

About: Hi, my name is Anna-Liisa, I am a DIY woodworker and spoon carver from Berlin. I design and build zero-waste furniture. I also teach women and girls in Berlin how to build zero/low waste furniture or carve sp…

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We show you how to make your own furniture with only basic tools and skills by using square and diagonal lashing knots.

You don't need special tools to make this storage shelf. The shelf is assembled using square and diagonal lashing knots and the only tools you need are a sander, a saw and painting equipment.


1200 x 255 mm laminated pine for the shelves

Dowels of 20 to 25mm diameter

Nylon rope, min 6mm diameter


Orbital sander plus assorted sanding pads Sander plus 120- and 180-grit sanding pads,

Step 1: Cutting the Legs

Cut the dowels into the required lengths. You will need [8] of 400mm - shelf supports, [4] of 1600mm - sides, and [2] of 1960mm - back. You can cut the lengths to size with a handsaw, or use a jigsaw or mitre saw if you have.
Sand all the cut pieces in advance so they are nice and smooth.

Step 2: Making the Shelves

You also need to cut - or have cut to length - [4] laminated pine shelves 250mm wide x 1200mm in length. Sand smooth once cut.

Step 3: Painting the Shelves.

If you are painting the shelves, wipe to remove any dust and then apply your choice of paint. If applying a sealer or varnish it's also a good idea to do this before you assemble the shelf unit.

Step 4: Preparing the Rope

Use a lighter or blowtorch to lightly singe the ends of the nylon rope to prevent it from unraveling.

Step 5:

To make the one side of the shelf, join the [2] longer dowels together place a smaller dowel (shelf support) between the two longer dowels and secure using a square lashing knot.

Continue adding the dowel shelf supports every 400 mm and then repeat this for the remaining side section.

GOOD TO KNOW: The first (top) smaller dowel shelf support is secured at 200 mm down from the top of the longer side dowels.

Step 6: Stabilizing the Shelf

Now connect the two sides of your shelf with two crossed sticks using Japanese diagonal lashing knot. Hint: you might want to ask somebody to hold the sticks while you are tying the knots.

Once the main frame is assembled, join the two sides of your shelf together using diagonal dowels (at the back) secured with diagonal lashing knots.

Step 7:

Use a handsaw (or jigsaw or mitre saw) to cut the back dowels at a diagonal at the ends.

Step 8: All the Shelves Into Their Places.

Place the shelves on their places.