Introduction: Japanese Geta

About: Im from sweden. I like Japanese culture and fashion. I play the Flute. My favorite song to play is Haru No Umi by Michio Miyagi. I have a motorcycle Triumph werke Nürnberg Bdg 125. I Train Kobudo. I like to …

This is a tutorial on how to make your own pair of Geta. (this is the real way of making them. these are made from one piece of oak instead of 3 glued together.)

It is fairly easy but you do need some moderate wood working skills.
I have made longbows and other stuff from wood before so I know how it will behave

This pair of geta's will be made from Oak.

Step 1: Choosing the Wood

The choise of wood is important.
You dont want it too be full of cracks and holes.

I have already mesured and cut out for each foot on the picture below.

Cut about 1 cm from your foot because then you will be able to shape your geta later.

Step 2: Start Sanding and Sanding

What you need to do now is sand down the rough surface with a sandpaper (I used grit 120)

And when you are done with the first one then its on too the next one.

(this took me about 5 hours to complete because I wanted it too look really nice)

Step 3: The All Important Teeth

When you are about to make the teeth I have one very important scentence for you.


First mark out were you want your teeth
there are really no standards to where and how high but a minimum of 4 cm high is recommended. (I have seen some that are as high as 17 cm !!!)

Use a chisel (i think that its the right name) and a hammer to slowly remove the wood.

Make sure you dont hurt the teeths.

Do this on both shoes :P

OBS the front shall be a bit longer than the back. for more easy walking

Step 4: Start Sanding and Sanding Again

Start sanding with a wood rasp on the bottom and make it look good

Step 5: Round the Edges and Strengthening the Teeth

Now its time to round the edges you do this best with a rasp .

then sand it down again so it look nice.

then oil it with treeoil.

after this is done you need too strengthen the teeths.
First drill two holes in each teeth then fill it with glue and the hammer in a plug and chop it off.
Leave it to dry for a while

Now you can also decide were the holes for the Hanao (thong) should be. and drill them ( you can use a powerdrill here but I used a Handdrill)

Step 6: Sew the Hanao

I used strong wool fabric on the outside of the Hanao and inside its a "rope" of hemp.

I did forget to take picture while sewing but it shouldnt be a problem. Just sew it to your foot size and it should be fine.

(drill larger holes if you need to I needed to re drill 3 times xD )

Step 7: Finishing the Geta

When you have tweaked all the little problems and have attached the Hanao securly then go out and let the world know that you have a pair of geta's (atleast let them hear it)

(About a week later I did put rubber soles on the teeths too protect them and make the noise lower, it also makes them look fancy)

がんばってね :D

This was my  first instructable

I hope you enjoyed it :P
