Introduction: Jerky Board

About: student niknbvhiht5h

Showing you how to make a jerky board.

Step 1:

Make the board 8 inches wide 12 inches long.

Step 2:

Find the correct wood you want to use.

Step 3:

Cut boards into strips using the table saw.

Step 4:

Glue strips of boards together, and let it sit over night.

Step 5:

let board sit over night so the glue drys up

Step 6:

Plane down the cutting table to get a smooth surface.

Step 7:

Cut corners of board off with band saw

Step 8:

rouder the edges of the boards off

Step 9:

Then use belt sander to get smooth corners.

Step 10:

Then put cutting board on the x-carve to get a smoother surface

Step 11:

Put board in x-carve to ingrave the box intop my board

Step 12:

Use the laser in graver to put a picture on the board.

Step 13:

After that put mineral oil on the board to make it food safe.