Introduction: Jet Engine!

Hey guys, i recently came across a few parts, threw em together, and came up with a jet engine (sort of)

The parts included

a Lysol spray protector
a PC fan
Duct tape!
a propane fuel canister (from a blowtorch)
a BBQ lighter
9 Volt battery
Thats the part list for now, in the future i will add a compressor and spreader (for the fuel mixture output, i built one earlier but it melted when i tested it do to the Intense blue flames)

i got tired of not messing with fire, so i lit the original proto type without a nossle and spreader... the fan melted... so  i made a new one! it works 10 times better! so much better it kinda-break itself. So i light it on fire (the gas) and the flame burns nice and big for awhile, then it really gets small and concentrates down to a fine point, after this the flame burns rapidly into the back of the engine and i get a Really loud POP and a flash of fire coming from the air-in, so i need to adjust it, i think to much air is being sucked in so i will add a resistor to the fan...

** alot of us are familiar with epoxy... it got so hot it melted epoxy! i didn't think it would be possible, but when the run was finished the nossle was at a titled angle and a sticky goo was dripping slowly from where the epoxy was,**

it has some potential