Introduction: Jewellery Hanger
A simple jewellery hanger made from some draw knobs and a fake draw front.
You will need:
Piece of wood about 10"x3" or an old draw front
Three draw knobs
White paint
Tools Used:
Saw to cut the wood
Router and bit to make the edge profile you would like
Drill and suitable sized bits
Sander and sandpaper
Dremel or Hacksaw
Router or non-slip mat
Step 1: Making the Draw Front
Sand everything
Using a router, rout a profile around the edge (when routing small pieces I find the use of a router/non-slip mat handy)
Step 2: Drilling for Knobs
My knobs had a M4 bolt and nut as the means of fixing them, therefore you need to drill a 5mm hole all the way through the wood and then counter bore these holes to allow the nuts to sit in the recess and also allow room for a socket to tighten up the back nut.
Step 3: Paint Effect
Opps I forgot to take pictures of all the stages !
You need to paint your wood with the white paint and allow to dry.
Then lightly sand to give the appearance of age.
Coat the finished piece in varnish to protect it
Step 4: Final Assembly
Mount your knobs into the draw front and flush cut the bolts on the back (I used a dremel but a hacksaw would work)
Mount on the wall and enjoy.