Introduction: Jugger Chain - Detachable Baton
As a followup to the detachable handle instructable, these instructions detail the creation of a detachable baton for a chain. In designing this weapon, several challenges had to be overcome; primarily how to have a baton that could be attached to the chain without increasing the total length of the chain to a length beyond the legal maximum. This was achieved by using a larger PVC core (1"/25mm) and running the chain through the hollow of the pipe, attaching it to a cap at the end. This design also allows for multiple lengths of baton to be used without requiring deconstruction of the chain itself. On the other hand, this baton will be a little larger than your normal pompfe, and will not have a solid core, so it may be unwieldy for longer lengths. This demonstration uses a very short baton (12"/30cm) for ease of construction, but any length can be used.
Before embarking on this instructable, please make sure that your chain will fit through the 1"/25mm PVC pipe. If not, simply use a larger diameter pipe.
You will require the following items for this construction:
- 1"/25mm PVC conduit pipe
- 1"/25mm pipe insulation
- a hacksaw
- scissors
- a ruler
- a marker
- one link of plastic chain
- rough sandpaper
- a carabiner or snap hook (check with your league for any restrictions of metal in weapons before choosing one)
- Cyanoacrylic (Super) glue - make sure you pick one that is rated to work on plastic and PVC. Gorilla Super glue is what I used.
- Duck/Duct tape
*EDIT* In field testing, the baton was quite heavy, and required taping the cap to the end of the baton to prevent it from flying off. YMMV!
Step 1: Construct the End Cap
- The end cap needs to slightly wider than the baton's pipe. This can be achieved by using the wider end of a length of conduit (Pictured above), or by using a larger diameter pipe that will fit over the baton. Whichever you use, cut a 1"/2.5cm length of the pipe with the hacksaw.
- Remove a single link from a length of plastic chain and use the hacksaw to cut the chain into two halves lengthwise. It may be easier to remove the blade from the hacksaw to perform this step.
- Make two notches on either side of the pipe so that one of the chain link halves will span it with both ends in the notches. I found it easiest to size the notches to the width of one of the chain link halves, cut them to be 1cm(3/8in) in depth, then knock the notch out with a hammer and chisel. Sand the notches to make a smoother surface on the bottom of the notches
- Sand the ends of the chain link half so that it will cleanly fit into the notches in the PVC pipe and span the end of the pipe. Please refer to the images for reference.
- Insert the sanded chain half through the base of the snaphook/carabiner and insert the hook/carabiner into the cap so that the chain half fits into the notches.
- Glue the chain half into place and wait for it to dry.
Step 2: Construct the Baton
- Cut a length of 1"/25mm PVC pipe to match the length of the baton you wish. If you wish to put a thrusting tip on the end of your baton, make sure to subtract 10cm/4in from the length of the baton to account for it.
- If you wish to test the assembly (highly recommended), run the chain through the length of the baton pipe and secure the end link to the snap hook/carabiner. Fit the cap over the end of the baton and pull the chain taut to make sure the assembly is secure. If it is not, remove the old glue with sandpaper in a well-ventilated area (breathing in the glue dust is NOT A GOOD IDEA) and re-assemble the cap.
Step 3: Cover the Cap in Foam
Please note this step assumes a thrusting tip is being added to the end of the baton. If you are not constructing a thrusting tip, modify the instructions accordingly
- Measure a length of pipe insulation so that the foam extends approx 1cm(3/8in) beyond the end of the PVC pipe section of the cap (so approx 1cm(3/8in) over the carabiner/snaphook) and 10cm/4in beyond the end of the cap (if you are creating a thrusting tip. Adjust accordingly if you are not). Cut the insulation to the length measured.
- Insert the cap into the pipe insulation so that, as mentioned above, approx. 1cm(3/8in) of it extends over the snaphook/carabiner and 10cm/4in extends beyond the edge of the cap. If you are using self-sealing insulation, remove the plastic strips and seal the insulation shut.
- (If you are not making a thrusting tip, skip this step). Measure and cut 10cm/4in of pipe insulation and tightly roll it up. The goal is to insert the roll (the 'plug') into the edge of the thrusting tip, so if it is too wide, cut some of the foam insulation off so that, when rolled up, it fits inside the insulation covering the baton cap. Wrapping the plug in some tape may assist in keeping it rolled tightly. Fully insert the plug into the end of the cap.
- Optionally apply a second layer of pipe insulation to the cap if your league requires a second layer of padding for safety.
Step 4: Cover the Baton in Foam
- Measure the length of foam to cut by fully inserting the baton into the cap and marking where the edge of the foam padding provided by the cap ends.
- On the other end of the baton, measure 10cm/4in from the other end for the pommel and mark it. If you wish for a differently sized pommel, adjust your measurements accordingly.
- Measure the distance between the two marks and cut that length of foam insulation.
- Place and secure the foam insulation on the pipe, making sure it lines up with your marks.
- Optionally place a second layer of insulation if your league requires that amount of padding for safety.
Step 5: Test the Assembly and Cover Both the Baton and the Cap in Tape
- Insert the foam-covered baton into the foam-covered cap and make sure there are no gaps in the foam when assembled. If there are gaps, cut new sections of foam and secure them to either the cap or the end of the baton in such a way that the gaps are covered when the baton and cap are assembled.
- Run your chain through the baton, secure the end chain link to the cap's snaphook/carabiner, fully insert the baton into the cap and pull the chain taut to make sure it holds and there are still no gaps.
- Separate the baton from the cap and cover each section in tape. Optionally cover the pommel in hockey/grip tape.