Introduction: Junk Art

About: i like ice-cream.
If you have random electonic components that you have lying aroung and have nothing to do with them, you could make art! Then you won't have to throw them out! And it's really easy too!
Cost: $1. All parts salvaged.
This is a basic idea of what you might need:

-electronics and other components
-glue (somthing that can fill space like hot glue)*
-pliers (needlenose)

*hot glue was $1. Will last for several months.

this instructable was entered in the "dead computer" contest. Please vote for it. Voting starts March 18, 2010!

Step 1: Electronics Dissasembly

You can usually electronic parts with a bunch of screwdrivers. Find the screws and unscrew all of them. If you don't, you might have a hard time opening something and have to go back and unscrew the screws you left out. Sometimes, they hide under stickers and pads. If someone can assemble it, you can dissassemble it! Look at the pic. I have more than that!

Step 2: Starting Off

It's sometimes hard to think of what to make. I made a bird because the hard drive reader I had looked like a bird's head. (doesn't it?) You could probably think of something. Or you don't have enough parts to make something. Think of the whole "masterpiece" by mapping out all the parts.

Something you might need, and a good place to start out with is a base. Sometimes the project is stable enought to not need a base, but this one did. I used a hard drive disk.

Step 3: Assembling

Get the first part, the one you might of chosen to start off (bird head). Add differend bits and pieces 'till it looks like something. Remember to make it 3D, unless your making a flat piece of art.

Some tricks:
Wires- turn them into hair, fur, tenticles, wings, tails... (first pic)
Curcuit boards- use whole or cut/break them with tools. (second pic)
Screws- grass, toes, spikes...(third pic)
Disks-good base, saws, plates of armor...(third pic)

Step 4: Done... But More Ideas!

Yay! Did you make something cool?!? Now you have a cool piece of artwork that doesn't just have to be thrown away yet. How about adding: lights, speakers, or motors? Possibilities are endless.

This instructible has been entered in the "Dead Computer Contest".