Introduction: Just Awesome

This is my attempt to build a really cool computer case........I am just finishing the Form and only 5 small pieces away from completion. Forgive me, some of the pics are a little blurry. Although most of it was done by using everything but a computer, scimatics were downloaded, resized, and printed using one. I have aproximently 120 hours and about $250 into this. Just so I'm not understood, this is a pain in the butt project. I searched every type of object and only 5-6 came to mind. This one, as large as it needed to be, was quite elegant. It fit my Science Fiction side of me and has many options for how to station parts inside. This too, is a factor, because ifit don't fit, you wasted alot of time. I wouldn't suggest this type of work, unless you are skilled in Woodworking, or have a CNC that's big enough to build it. The Form is the start. Now on to a thin layer of clay, to protect the wood during the next part, welding the aluminum frame. After that, I will level it all out again with clay and build the body out of fiberglass. From that point, I will pu my fine scale modeling skills to work to finish this beast. This is only one of three phases, but I will continue to udate this and post more pictures, as I can, till the project is done.