Introduction: KAP-40

About: K'NEX gun builder here at Instructables. More or less retired from the community, but I still pop in now and again.
Hey guys. Well, you all seemed to like my KAP-40 preview (I took it down actually...the pics not the 'ible) so I decided to post this. I will make instructions, but you will have to be contented with this for now. This gun is from CoD: BO 2, and is supposed to be a fully automatic SMG.

Good range: 30 to 50 ft.
Looks like the original (see pic #3)
Mech is not too complicated
True trigger
7 to 8 rd., preloaded mag (see pic(s) #9 and #10)
Good pullback length
SMP (Stationary Mag Pusher [stays in the mag at all times])

Kinda bulky
Handle is not comfy at all
Mag-well is kinda too big for the mag

Credit goes to Blue Mullet for his RGMP.

Well, there you have it, the KAP-40. Tell me what you think, and as always, comment and subscribe!

-The Red Book of Westmarch