Introduction: KNEX GRENADE#3

About: ☆┌─┐ ─┐☆  │▒│ /▒/  │▒│/▒/  │▒ /▒/─┬─┐  │▒│▒|▒│▒│ ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ │▒┌──┘▒▒▒│ └┐▒▒▒▒▒▒┌┘  └┐▒▒▒▒┌┘ peace go here to do some thing cool!!!!!! (llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll) …
yet another knex grenade by cj81499

Step 1: Piece Count

get these pieces

you need them to make the grenade

Step 2: First Part

make this.

if you can't try a easier thing like siting on a couch with out moving

Step 3: NEXT

add these

Step 4:

also these

Step 5:

to make it explode pull off the top orange piece and let the yellow one fall out. then throw!