About: Knex guns rule It was cool to be around when the first guns came out Now, after not having building knex for so long, its awesome to view in retospct
A upgrade of the original crossbow. More powerful,accurate, and long ranged. Also includes two shotgun barrels on the bottom.

Step 1: Collecting the Materials


11 red
19 yellow
10 green
4 light grey
24 grey
4 white
5 orange
2 brown
4 black nobs
4 blue spaces

8 grey
2 black
6 red
4 yellow
23 green
7 white
5 blue

1 strong long rubberband (I got one at staples)
5-7 rubberbands for the trigger
2 thick rubberbands

Step 2: Constructing the Main Crossbow Frame

First you must construct the main frame of the crossbow.

1.Construct the trigger area shown below.
2.The construct the front of the gun.
3 construct the firing track.

Step 3: Adding the Accesories and Modifications

The new mods are the new stock, bow,shotgun barrels, and reiforced firing track.

Construct the m through the pictures below.

Step 4: Adding the Rubberbands

Add the trigger rubberbands, bow rubberband, and shot gun barrel rubberbands. The trigger lock is incorporated to the trigger rubberbands.

Add the rubberbands through the pictures below.

Step 5: Loading and Firing

To fire the primary projectiles, pull the rubberband back and over the two green rods and load a bolt and pull the trigger.( find instructions for making the bolt on the KNEX CROSSBOW instructables.)

To fire the secondary fire, pull back the pins and load green or white rods into the barrels.Pinch the two orange connectors together. Press both at the same time for a double shot or just one for two single shot.