Introduction: K'NEX MSMC

About: K'NEX gun builder here at Instructables. More or less retired from the community, but I still pop in now and again.

Its fun to build the unusual, and the MSMC is definitely unusual. Designed to replace the INSAS AR, the MSMC (which stands for Modern Sub-Machine Carbine) fires an entirely new round, the 5.56x30 mm cartridge. With traits balistically similar to both the SMG/PDW and AR worlds, this gun provides the penetration of most ARs with the size and fire capacity of an SMG/PDW.

That description also fits this K'NEX replica well. In size, it feels almost like an AR, but when it comes to bodily features, it still contains a pistol grip magazine, as well as a rather short over all body. With features like a flip up front sight, an extendable stock, and a high capacity magazine, this gun would be great in an indoor K'NEX war, if perfected.


  • Great sights
  • Flip up front sight
  • Extendable stock
  • High capacity magazine: 10 - 16 rds.
  • Sturdy body
  • Exact in dimensions
  • Comfortable trigger
  • 6 in. + trigger pull
  • Good / average range: 30 - 50 ft.
  • Sturdy magazine

This is my second entry into the COMMUNITY CONTEST: TOY RODS AND CONNECTORS, so don't forget to vote for mine and my brother's entries!

Don't forget to check me out on YouTube, Google +, at my website: The Red Book of Westmarch Insider, and become a member of K'NEX Connect today!

(Don't forget to check out the video embedded within the pictures)