Introduction: K'Nex Lamborghini

About: Mechanical Engineering. Inactive?

Hello, I'm back from hiatus (four years, holy cow) with half of the promise I made last time I uploaded something. I finally got motivated/bored enough to dig the half-finished model out from storage and a week later here we are. Does it transform? No. But you have no idea how many revisions and how much I stressed to get this thing even close to a perfect model, I think I've done my darnest. I don't think we really talk about how hard it is to build good looking models at a smallish scale with K'Nex. Would I ever try to make this thing transform (Since it sort of is my whole schtick)? Maybe. Probably not.

As always, feedback is encouraged, suggestions for future models would be welcome, however with school I make no promises.

The model is based on a 2007 Lamborghini Murcielago (because that's what came up when I Google image searched "yellow lamborghini")

(Also, I touched up some difficult to see steps to make them a little less difficult to see, just look out for a red dot/line. Hope it helps!)


Green Rods - 56

White Rods - 77

Blue Rods - 9

Yellow Rods - 12

Red Rods - 3

Orange Connectors - 35

Light Grey Connectors - 14

Red Connectors - 9

Green Connectors - 3

Dark Grey Connectors - 3

Yellow Connectors - 90

Tan Clip - 2

Blue Clip - 12

Purple Clip/Connector - 12

Black Hinge Half - 7

Black Clip (Y-Clip) - 44

Ball Clip - 13

Socket Clip - 13

Small Tire - 9

Small Wheel Hub (Spoked) - 8

25 mm Wheel - 5

Small Spacer - 24

Large Spacer - 12

Step 1: Frame

Why Is there an engine if you can't even see it in the finished model? I'll never tell...

Step 2: More Frame & Structure

Ha Ha Ha, you thought we were done with the frame?! Never! This is Italian engineering; just like lasagna, 57.6% is just structural!

Step 3: Wheels, Hood, & Interior

Each wheel is secretly composed of two wheels (shhh... don't tell) and they sort of fit together with tiny pins to function as one.

Hopefully fitting the dash in is intuitive enough, my only advice to you is to place it where it looks like it fits, shove it down, fit the pins in, then bring it back up flush.

Step 4: Rear

This part got problems. When attaching the rear to the rest of the model, attach the green connector on the axle to the Y-clip on the bottom of the rear section, then make sure that the rear fenders pieces end up above the yellow rod on the rear assembly (or below it if looking from the bottom like the picture), put the green rod stud through the fender piece, and finally put the white rods on the front of the rear assembly through the purple pieces. Good luck.

Step 5: Vent, Roof, & Doors

And finally, it is complete. the Y-clips on the vent assembly helps to hold the white rods on the rear assembly in place, and the roof tries its best to bring the rear up a touch.

Thanks for stopping by, I am super proud of this model, my only regret is not putting in steering and suspension, but oh well.

Step 6: UPDATE: Roof Structure

A simple fix I found after publishing. If we replace the rear rods of the seats with a yellow rod and add a 2-way straight connector with a white rod, the roof is kept much straighter. Before and after pictured.