Introduction: Keep the Instructions/manuals Without Wasting Space!
Ok, I know that all you Instructables guys are the ones who get a new toy, figure out how it works, and MAYBE refer back to the instructions if you have a very specific and/or mind-boggling question. Other than that they get lost, thrown away, wet, burned, or subjected to some other form of brutal annihilation. Here's how you can keep those instruction manuals, without the above stated risks, and also without a file cabinet..
Step 1: Get Your Scanner Ready.
You may have to adjust a few settings. I'll show you how to do this with an Epson printer/scanner combo. Open up the Epson Scan program from the All Programs menu in the Start bar. It should open to a window such as the one below. Click on the Customize button, and then on the Save Settings button. Click Browse, create a new folder somewhere called "Instructions". Click OK twice.
Step 2: Scan the Instructions
Place the instructions in the scanner and click Scan. This is a very hard step, so pay close attention.
Step 3: Name Them!
Scanners usually assign generic names,such as img025. Give them a descriptive name, such as DishwasherPg1. Or, to reduce typing, create a Dishwasher folder and add the pages with just page numbers.
Step 4: Relax and Recycle!
Now you can enjoy some peace, knowing that your instructions are safe on your hard drive. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Then, get out of your chair, gather up all the instruction manuals or sheets, and go to your local recycling center and drop them off. Or, put them in your recycling bin that goes out by the curb. Please rate this instructable!