Introduction: Key Holder/Lockbox
Today, I will be making an enclosed key holder that will be
able to be locked. The lockbox is for work purposes in a garage. However, if you don’t need it to be locked, you can by pass it. I will be using plywood boards and some 1x2’s. The project I will do be very basic for my needs. But I will add options along the way as to how to make it more of a furniture type piece.
While I’m doing a simple version, it could be changed to a furniture type key holder to be used in an entryway or altered to be a hanging jewelry box. The first thing would be to use a different type of wood. For a beginner, I would suggest pine, as it is a softer wood and easily accessible. Oak is harder wood and the most accessible at almost any home supply store. Specialty woods like cherry, walnut, etc you might need to find at a specialty store near you. Also, if you make it more of furniture piece you may look into using a beeswax finish, polyurethane, stains etc.
I had my wood cut to size at my local store for a small price. But you can opt to cut it yourself with a handsaw, circular saw or table saw, etc. Then, your shopping list may contain blades.
Step 1: Gather Supplies
Plywood Board
Carpenter's Glue
Screw Driver
Tape Measure
If cutting your own wood:
Measuring tape/pencil
Triangle (or strait edge)
Step 2: Lay Out Your 2x4 Boards and Attach to Plywood Board
Use as least three nails/screws on each board. One at each end and one in the middle of the board. DO NOT line up nails/screws on the same grain of wood. It will split the wood.
Hint: Pre-drill holes about a 1/4 smaller than the wood nails or screws you will be using. This helps to attach them also, helps to prevent wood from splitting.
Some people like using Carpenter's Glue along with using nails or screws.
Step 3: Attach Your Hinges
Being that are many different types of hinges, please follow manufactures instructions.
Step 4: Attach Key Holders at Pre-measured Evenly Spaced Places
For this project, plain screws were used about every 2 inches. You may want to use nails or different fasteners, such as hooks, you find at the hardware store and change the spacing to your specific needs be it keys or jewelry.
Step 5: Attach Latch and Lock
Mark where the holes are with a pencil.
Again, there are many choices of latches. Please follow manufacturer’s directions for the latch you choose.
Step 6: Optional: Sand Project
You will want to start with a smaller grit number to get really rough edges down and work to a larger grit number. The larger the grit number the smoother your board will become when finished. In our house we usually have 80 grit and 120 grit.
Step 7: Optional: Apply Finish
If you are choosing to do a finish of any kind, paint, stain, poly, you would do it now. I would suggest ragging on any finish, but check manufacturer's directions of the product you choose.
Step 8: Attach to Wall
Since this was a rudimentary project for the garage, we simply screwed it to the wall. However, at the hardware store they do carry different wall hanging attachments that will simply nail or screw into the back of your project.