Introduction: Key & Letter Box
SO...we formed a flat and thought how can we ensure no lost keys or misplaced post... a letter box/key thingy holder!
So this first picture is the end result. This instructable will be mostly in the form of pictures with a few notes here and there. I don't know the name of most tools (other than hammer and nails....) so i will try explain which one is which and then you can use your fabulous imagination and tool dictionary to figure out the rest.
What we used:
- Wood of choice
- Plywood (for inner walls and back wall)
- Nails
- Wood Glue
- Hammer
- Hand Saw
- Electric Saw (the one that is potentially fatal and you need earmuffs and safety goggles. there is a picture of it somewhere in the tutorial)
- Ruler and Pencil
- Envelope (for measuring)
- Router (if you want and have a steady hand, we just used the electric saw to make the grooves for the inner walls... but in hindsight, a router would have been much better)
- White Paint
- Sand paper (low coarseness)
- Plastic lining
- Soil
- Grass seed
- Key hooks of choice
- A wall to place on
- And Patience (for your little grass babies)
Lets do it!
Step 1: Prepare Your Materials and PLAN
Draw out your plan and measure things how you want them to be first. Then measure again, and perhaps maybe 1 more time.
Step 2: Slice Up Your Materials
Before you start your slicing, measure again. Remember Measure twice, cut once. otherwise you're gonna have a bad time (except for those excellent measurer cutter types).
Step 3: Fit It In
After ensuring that the inner wall grooves match up on each side of the top wood pieces, line up the walls in the bottom and the top pieces of wood.
Make sure it lines up before you start gluing and hammering
Step 4: Add the Top Bits for the Baby Grass
For this part we used a mix of glue and nails. First a line of glue on the side wood pieces and then lining it up and very carefully nailing a nail in each side (for the longer pieces, not the smaller widths). we ended up only gluing the small sides down as the nails were too intense for the little bits, and it would just split the wood. clamp it for perhaps an hour or so to ensure it has dried and secure.
Step 5: Add the Sides and Secure It
Next add the side wood bits and the inner wall bits.
We used lots of glue for this, for the inner walls we only used glue and the grooves in the wood to secure it but then for the side walls hammered it in and glued it.
Let is stand for a while to dry. we put something heavy on it to increase the pressure.
Step 6: Add the Front Key Hook Bit and the Back Bit
forgot to take a pic of us putting the back bit on, but we used the ply wood for it. We nailed it and in used wood glue to reinforce. Same with the front wood piece for the hooks.
Step 7: Leave It Be or Paint It
At this stage you can decide to leave it wood coloured or to paint it. As you can see....we painted it.
Again i forgot to take a picture, but i ended up sanding down a lot of the sides and edges to give it that "rustic" look, you can see it better in the final pictures.
If you're painting, leave to dry over night. As i was sanding it down, i only did 1 coat, if you want it to be bright then do more than 1 coat.
Step 8: Mark Your Hook Positions and Hook Em'
Measure out the spaces or randomly pierce the wood. we wanted it centered, so measured it. I just screwed them in by hand. it was painful. my hands are too dainty. but i guess there is no other way... perhaps.
Step 9: Line Top With Plastic, Soil and Seeds
I literally used a cut up plastic bag i got form the supermarket but if you wanna get fancy go for gold. once the plastic was measured out i glued it in with wood glue again and let it sit for a couple of hours. We put a bag of rice in it so it could fill the space and make it set properly... kinda worked. Once (mostly) dry, I fill it with healthy soil and layered it with grass seed.
Step 10: Place on Wall and Wait
Water the soil (a good drenching, but not too excessive) and waiting...
Step 11: Hello Babies
Took about 2 weeks but the seeds finally started to show. little cuties.
Step 12: Final Grass Patch
Tada! It did take about 2.5 weeks for the grass to grow to this stage.
Now to make a miniature mower... or scissors....
You can also do it with wheatgrass, which can be nice for any health freaks out there. if it is close to the kitchen then just chop a bit off and chuck it in a smoothie... mmm delish.. but in the meantime just normal grass for me.