Introduction: Keyboard Pencil Holder

About: Architecture student at Enverga University. Simple life with a simple dream.

Have you ever have a broken keyboard that you wanna throw away.

Stop right there my friend.

You wanna think twice when you see this AWESOME keyboard pencil holder.

It's COOL, it's USEFUL and it's CHEAP to make.

This instructable will teach you how to make your very own Keyboard Pencil Holder.

Step 1: Tools & Materials

Here is a list of things you will need to make your own AWESOME keyboard pencil holder.

  1. Broken keyboard
  2. Can
  3. Black Acrylic
  4. Glue Gun
  5. Glue Sticks

Step 2: Clean

Clean the can you want to use.

Step 3: Paint

Paint it with black acrylic or any color you want.
If you don't have a paint just cover it with black color paper or any color you want.

Step 4: Dismantle

Dismantle the keyboard.

Be careful some parts are sharp. :)

Step 5: Assembly

Put hot glue stick on the back of the keys and place it in the can.

You can arrange it into your name or a word like LOVE.

Just be careful using the glue gun.

Step 6: Enjoy

Enjoy your COOL keyboard pencil holder.

If your friends see this they might smash some keyboard just to make this.