Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts for Internet Explorer!!

About: I post how to videos on youtube and run my own business on the side making hand crafted keychains, Jewelry and other items. One of my main goals in life is to help as many people as I can and just knowing tha…

This Instructable will show you some useful keyboard shortcuts for internet explorer

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Step 1: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 1

1. Ctrl + T

  • Open a New Tab

2. Alt + Home

  • Got to Home Page

3. Alt + C

  • View Favorites, Feeds and History

4. Ctrl + D

  • Add a Favorite

5. Ctrl + P

  • Open Print

6. F11 or Fn + F11

  • Fullscreen

- If you press F11 or Fn + F11 once more it will go back to normal

7. Ctrl + S

  • Open Save As

8. Ctrl + F

  • Open Find on this page

9. F7 or Fn + F7

  • Turn Caret Browsing on/off

10. Ctrl + +

  • Zoom In

11. Ctrl + -

  • Zoom Out

12. Ctrl + 0

  • Set to Default Zoom (100%)

Step 2: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 2

13. Ctrl + Shift + Del

  • Delete Browsing History

- Preserve Favorites website data

- Temporary Internet files and website files

- Cookies and website data

- History

- Download History

- Form data

- Passwords

- Tracking Protection, ActiveX Filtering and Do Not Track

14. Ctrl + Shift + P

  • Open InPrivate Browsing

- Same as an Incognito Window in Chrome or a Private Window in Firefox

- Allows you to visit a website and have it not show up in your browsing history

15. Ctrl + J

  • View Downloads

16. F12 or Fn + F12

  • Open Developer Tools

- Dom Explorer

- Console

- Debugger

- Network

- UI Responsiveness

- Profiler

- Memory

- Emulation

Step 3: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 3

17. Ctrl + 1

  • Open DOM Explorer

- Must be in Developer Tools

18. Ctrl + 2

  • Open Console

- Must be in Developer Tools

19. Ctrl + 3

  • OpenDebugger

- Must be in Developer Tools

20. Ctrl + 4

  • Open Network

- Must be in Developer Tools

21. Ctrl + 5

  • Open UI Responsiveness

- Must be in Developer Tools

22. Ctrl + 6

  • Open Profiler

- Must be in Developer Tools

23. Ctrl + 7

  • Open Memory

- Must be in Developer Tools

24. Ctrl + 8

  • Open Emulation

- Must be in Developer Tools

25. F1 or Fn + F1

  • Open Developer Tools Help

- Must be in Developer Tools

26. Ctrl + P

  • Unpin

- This will move the Developer Tools from the bottom of the webpage to it's own window

- Once you press F12 or Fn + F12 again the Developer Tools will open in it's own window

- If you press Ctrl + P one more time it will Pin the Developer Tools to the bottom of the webpage

- Must be in Developer Tools to Unpin or Pin

Step 4: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 4

27. Alt + Left Arrow

  • Go Back to the Previous Webpage

28. Alt + Right Arrow

  • Go Forward again

29. F5 or Fn + F5

  • Refresh/Reload current webpage

30. Ctrl + W

  • Close Current Tab

- If you only have one Tab opened when you press Ctrl + W it will ex out of Internet Explorer all together