Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows 7!!
This Instructable will show you some useful keyboard shortcuts for windows 7
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Step 1: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 1
1. Windows Key
- Open/Close Start Menu
2. Windows Key + X
- Open Windows Mobility Center
- Brightness
- Volume
- Battery Status
- Wireless Network
- External Display
- Sync Center
3. Windows Key + L
- Lock Computer
4. Windows Key + F
- Open Search
5. Windows Key + P
- Open Project
- Computer only
- Duplicate
- Extend
- Projector only
6. Windows Key + U
- Open Ease of Access Center
7. Windows Key + R
- Open Run
8. Windows Key + E
- Open Computer
Step 2: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 2
9. Windows Key + +
- Open Magnifer/Zoom In
10. Windows Key + -
- Zoom Out
11. Windows Key + 1
- Open/Minimize Libraries (Taskbar)
12. Windows Key + 2
- Open/Minimize Internet Explorer (Taskbar)
13. Windows Key + 3
- Open/Minimize Windows Media Player (Taskbar)
14. Windows Key + 4
- Open/Minimize Chrome (Taskbar)
15. Windows Key + 5
- Open/Minimize Sticky Notes (Taskbar)
16. Windows Key + 6
- Open/Minimize the program you are currently using (Taskbar)
17. Windows Key + Down Arrow
- Minimize the windows/program you are in
18. Windows Key + Up Arrow
- Return the program/window you are in to normal size
19. Windows Key + Left Arrow
- Change position of page to Left
- If you press windows key + left arrow again it will change the position of the page to the right
- If you press windows key + left arrow a third time it will go back to normal
20. Windows Key + Right Arrow
- Change position of page to Right
- If you press windows key = right arrow again it will change the position of the page to the left
- If you press windows key + right arrow a third time it will go back to normal
Step 3: Keyboard Shortcuts : Part 3
21. Ctrl + N
- Open Desktop
22. Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow
- Flip Screen Upside Down
23. Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow
- Flip Screen Upright again
24. Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow
- Flip Screen to the Left
25. Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow
- Flip Screen to the Right
26. Ctrl + Alt + Del
- Comes in handy when you computer freezes up
- Lock this computer
- Switch User
- Log Off
- Change a password
- Start Task Manager
- When you computer freezes up, press Ctrl + Alt + Del on you keyboard and select Start Task Manager
- Select the program/application you are having trouble with and select End Task