Introduction: KiwiShield- Single Material PPE Face Shield -No Elastic Needed
*New files have been uploaded with new name convention and we have added the short version of the mask for smaller cutting beds (does not have the top cover) and the extra long version of the clinical mask (goes further below the chin).
Hi all,
This is the first public iteration of KiwiShield, a 100% laser or die cut-table single material face shield and fully adjustable strap. This design is complete and doesn't need any other materials to be ready for use
This clinical design is yet to be certified for medical use but you use this device at your own risk.
We recommend using 0.75mm PETG as our experiences with this have been excellent. We will be documenting more procedures in the coming days and releasing more iterations if a breakthrough is made.
For now these files are available as Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Just to be clear it has not been certified so use is at your own risk.
Kia kaha, love from New Zealand and take care of each other friends.
For purchases you can visit:
Aroha from Creative Critters Design
Clinical- KiwiShield 3.0.DXF
Strap- KiwiShield 3.0.DXF
KiwiShield 2.0 Extra Long Clinical with top cover.DXF
KiwiShield 2.0 Non-Clinical Short open top.DXF
Three Part strap- Part 1of3- KiwiShield 3.0.DXF
Three Part strap- Part 2of3-KiwiShield 3.0.DXF
Three Part strap- Part 3of3-KiwiShield 3.0- .DXF
Kiwi Shields -Italian.pdf
Kiwi Shields - French.pdf
Step 1: Current Recommended Files: KiwiShield 3.0 Clinical.dxf' and 'KiwiShield 3.0 Strap.dxf'
We recommend using the latest files, currently 'KiwiShield 3.0 Clinical.dxf' and 'KiwiShield 3.0 Strap.dxf'. Minor iteration with improvements in strength at bend points on top and more clip points on the strap to suit a greater range of head sizes.
File Notes:
KiwiShield 3.0 Clinical.dxf Current Recommended version for use
KiwiShield 3.0 Strap.dxf Current Recommended version for use
Only when you can't fit the full size strap on your cutting bed:
KiwiShield 3.0 Strap Part x of 3 Three part strap that can be cut on smaller bed when necessary