Introduction: Knex 8-shot Hand Crank Gatling Gun

About: 92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% that still listen to real music copy and paste this into your sig. Hiya, my official web name is smashpoe, which was a name i invented while i wa…
I wanted to make something automatic, so here it is. about 2-3 shots per second,or less, depending on how fast you crank it.. I might post it, but only if enogh people ask, since im kind of lazy.ALSO THIS DOESNT COUNT AS A PROJECT WITH BLOCK TRIGGERS,I STILL HATE THEM
30 ft range
automatic/semi auto
pretty small
great for wars

only 8 shots
high piece magazines
ammo sometimes falls out if turned side ways

hope it gains your interest : )