Introduction: K'nex Ball Machine Concatenation, Elements
Here are the instructions for my elements I used on my ball machine Concatenation. Some of the elements include Tetrix Prime parts. Usually Tetrix Prime is used for building robots, but I used it for making two of Concatenation's elements.
Have fun!
Step 1: Diagonal Exit Arm
I used this element on Path 3 in Concatenation.
Step 2: Easy Ball Arm
I used this element twice on Path 6 in my ball machine Rolling Illusions, and once on Path 4 in Concatenation.
Step 3: Fast Slow Pathing
I used this element on Path 5 in Concatenation.
Step 4: Ball Arm Ferris Wheel
I used this element on Path 6 on Concatenation.
Step 5: Two Path Joiner Arm
I used this element on Paths 7 and 8 in Concatenation.
Step 6: Pinwheel Zig-Zag
I used this element on Path 8 in Concatenation.
Step 7: Tetrix Ball Arm
I used this element on Path 9 in Concatenation.
Step 8: Tetrix Pathing
I used this element on Path 10 in Concatenation.
Step 9: Claw Wheel
I used this element on Path 10 in Concatenation.
Step 10: The "Not a Path Separator"
I used this element on Path 10 in Concatenation.
Step 11: Easy Ferris Wheel
I used this element on Path 10 in Concatenation.