Introduction: Knex Ball Machine, Project Starter

About: Hey everyone, welcome to my Instuctable, or my Instructables page. Well I hope you like what you see and if you do, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE. I like to build just about anything from airsoft guns to fishing l…

Hey everyone as you know I build a lot of things, mostly guns. I wanted to take a break from that so i got an idea from Blue Mullet to make a ball machine. I put the idea aside for a while, but the more I thought about it I got more interested. I took a look around instructables and was amazed by all of the creativity. For my first ball machine I wanted to start out with a medium sized one, but more simple than complex. It has 2 main paths and 2 sub paths. I know that doesn't sound like that big of a deal, but I think it's good for my first. That is also why I called it project starter as it is my first ever attempt at a ball machine. It includes more of the common elements such as the spiral. Well don't forget to check out the video and to rate, comment, and subscribe if you want more from me.