Introduction: Knex Ballista

About: Hello everyone, It's me Knexman005. ( I am actually Knexman2001. I have changed my account for personal reasons.) I will still make the same stuff. I am going to copy all my stuff over to this account. So if y…
The gun I built is called a Ballista. A Ballista is a crossbow on a stand. If you like it than let's BUILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. If you have anything to say ( either negative or positive ) I will respond ASAP

Step 1: Base

This is the base. Just follow the steps!

Step 2: Gun

This is the gun. Follow the instructions.

Step 3: Ammo Carrier

This is the ammo carrier. Do the steps!

Step 4: Ammo


Step 5: Assembly