Introduction: Knex Claymore (realistic Looking)
Hello fellow knexers! I recently scouted the web for an efficient, yet realistic looking claymore. Sadly, none were found. There were efficient claymores that worked great! however they didnt look like a claymore. then there were good looking claymores! but they didnt fire! So i took it upon myself to create a durable, efficient claymore that included all of the properties I wanted... as a result I had created this claymore! This is MY early Christmas present to the knexing community. Although efficient, this is a piece consuming creation. Merry Christmas to all! and a happy new year!
Good Looking
First of It's Kind!
No Broken Parts (a personal "yay")
Piece Consuming
Not the best range! (6 feet, 2 metres)
Not a lot of spray (12 green rods)
Your Fingers WILL HURT!
Sometimes doesnt go off... (not too dependable)
Good Looking
First of It's Kind!
No Broken Parts (a personal "yay")
Piece Consuming
Not the best range! (6 feet, 2 metres)
Not a lot of spray (12 green rods)
Your Fingers WILL HURT!
Sometimes doesnt go off... (not too dependable)