Introduction: Knex Claymore (realistic Looking)

About: Name is Kyle. JUST MOVED TO UK! :D I love Knex, Minecraft, CoD, and Legos. I wish you the gassiest beans, and the beaniest gas! -Gassybeans
Hello fellow knexers! I recently scouted the web for an efficient, yet realistic looking claymore. Sadly, none were found. There were efficient claymores that worked great! however they didnt look like a claymore. then there were good looking claymores! but they didnt fire! So i took it upon myself to create a durable, efficient claymore that included all of the properties I wanted... as a result I had created this claymore! This is MY early Christmas present to the knexing community. Although efficient, this is a piece consuming creation. Merry Christmas to all! and a happy new year!

Good Looking
First of It's Kind!
No Broken Parts (a personal "yay")

Piece Consuming
Not the best range! (6 feet, 2 metres)
Not a lot of spray (12 green rods)
Your Fingers WILL HURT!
Sometimes doesnt go off... (not too dependable)