Introduction: Knex Cube

About: My name is Hiyadudez. I make stuff. "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
A Knex Cube. Nothing much to it really. Though unlike most Knex cube-like things, this doesnt have any wierd corners.

You likeee?? Great, then lets get building!

Step 1: Bottom and Top of the Cube.

This is the bottom and top of the cube. Follow the pictures.

1.Make this
2.Another view of pic.1
3.Make its twin!

Well that was pretty easy, now lets move on.

Step 2: Sides of the Cube.

Follow the pics.

1.Make this
2.Another wiew of pic.1
3.Make another!

Again, pretty easy. Moving on...

Step 3: The Other Sides of the Cube.

These are for the sides of the cube where there is nothing in.

1. Get these pieces
2. A close-up of the white connectors.

--Put those pieces aside for now, you will use them in the next step!

Easy-peasy! Almost finished!

Step 4: Assembling the Cube!

This is how to assemble the cube!

1.Get the bottom of the cube
2.Get 1 of the sides and attach like so
3.A close-up of that connection
4.Now get the other side
5.Attach it on like so
6.A close-up of that connection
7.Now get the top
8.Attach on like so
9.Get 4 white rods and one of the white connectors you made earlier
10.Attach the white rods where noted
11.Attach the white connector where noted
12.Do the same on the other side.

Yayz! You are finished! Please rate and dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!

Step 5: Finished!

Yayz! Your have finished your cube! There are endless possibilities that you can use your cube for!

Have fun!

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