Introduction: Knex Designs

About: I paint, write music, and used to build knex guns. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Studio Art. - updated 5/7/2014
This instructable is to show k'nex parts so that others can use them for their own builds. They are going to be mostly weapon parts.

Each picture corresponds to a letter and 2 numbers, the first letter is the section, the first number is the picture number, and the second number is the design number.

Similarity to any other design is coincidental. If you use any of the ideas from Knex Designs, you must give the designer credit for their idea on the intro step of your instructables and slideshows.

I will be adding new designs over time.

Step 1: Handles

1A1 -by Oblivitus
2A1 -by Oblivitus

Step 2: Barrels

1B1 -by Oblivitus
2B1 -by Oblivitus
3B1 -by Oblivitus
4B2 -by Oblivitus