Introduction: Knex Gamecube Racing Simulator
Okay, here it is! I have built a Gamecube racing simulator entirely out of Knex. Although it may not be the most advanced or the biggest, it still rocks! It was designed for F-Zero, but plays nicely with Mario Kart Double Dash! as well. The controller is a black standard Gamecube controller (not wireless). The left foot pedal works the "Y" button, the right foot pedal works the "A" button, and the wheel on the front works the joystick. The wheel does NOT require a gear for switching rotation direction. The grey bar on the left work the left trigger, and the back bar on the left works the "X" button. On the right, another pull-down bar works the right trigger, and a bar on the top aactivates the "Z" button. Only the D-pad, C-stick, and B-button do not have controls. EVERYTHING ELSE WORKS!! I give full credit to Trevmister8 and jakesllama for the inspiration to build this. Everything you see in the video, however, is still my own design (TigerNod brought up a copyright error I made [Thanks!]), You guys have really nice setups (especially jake's tower simulator!)! Great work and thanks again for the inspiration!