Introduction: Knex Gun KN-13 Rifle

I've been a part of the K'nex gun scene for quite a while, but this is the first project I've decided to post. Lemme know what you guys think, and wether it'd be worth it to start making more + instructions. Side notes: -Uses simple block trigger attached to string design. Why? It's super reliable. -Uses simple gravity fed grey connector magazine. Why? Reliability. -Overall tried to keep it simple, but still provide a unique design. -Cocking requires a bolt on the right side of the gun to be pulled back and released before firing. It is very smooth to operate with minimal rubber bands, but too many can cause the bolt to snap off. (Finally, simplicity isn't enough XD) -Rod that the bolt slides in can take long term damage with every prime due to the unsupported bolt design. I haz video.