Introduction: Knex Gun Skopion 2.0 Review.

About: I build things with knex. Mostly Guns I mostly Review other people’s guns if you want me to review yours send me a message.

This is a pretty long review so pay attention!!!!!!

Handle 5/10 Half, looks a bit weird with the curve at the back.
Mag 10/10 Looks great, Doesn't mess up anything.
Barrel 10/10 Perfect, I like how the ram doesn't stick out.

Overall Looks 8/10 Great!

Handle 10/10 Perfect with the black wheels.
Barrel 10/10 I love that there is a grove at the front like a grip.

Overall comfort 10/10

Trigger 9.5/10 Amazedly smooth but sometimes the trigger band sticks and jams.
Ram 10/10 Works perfectly, What else is there to say?
Mag 8/10 Works great but was times when it didn’t fire evenly, Some flew our really weak and some shots double loaded.

Overall performance 7.5/10

10/10 Shoots about 40 feet with 1 32# RB and that is the farthest I have ever gone in a pistol.

Step 1: The End

This is awesome. I rated it 9.6/10 And I myself must admit that this the perfect secondary for a war.
