Introduction: Knex Gun: Velocity

About: Knex builder here at Instructables. I build Guns, and, Roller Coaster. I currently build about 2-3 guns a month. I strive to post quality as well as quantity. If you have any ideas for a gun for me to try out,…

Hello fellow instructables community! Today me and Knextremely stupid, or Jaredb1, bring you, Velocity.

You can find many railguns on this site, but few actually shoot. This gun is a 100% monster power house. Few railgun could stand close to this beast.

Before we get to the sats, I would like to give a big shoutout to Jared. He's a great guy, and a very talented knexer. Go follow his channel if you haven't already.

•Very powerful 60+ foot ranges with yellow rods
•Removable, preloaded, 10 round yellow rod magazine.
•storage compartment in the stock
•Mag locks in front and back
•Adjustable iron sights
•Bullpup trigger
•2 feet long or 24 inches long
•Looks pretty cool
•Carrying rail
•7 layers thick
•Shuttle can be hard to fix after breaking

So that's it guys, go check out Knextremely stupid, and go check out the videos (when there uploaded :P)

Leave us some comments telling us what you think!

~Lucas The Boss~