Introduction: Knex Hockey Table - Instructions

Hi guys. Today I made a fun air hockey table.




-greens - 302

-whites - 286

-blues - 118

-yellows - 12

Total rods - 718


-grays/purples - 64

-tans - 26

-whites - 147

-light grays - 12

-purples - 188

-blues - 34

-yellows - 46

-reds - 18

-light yellows - 4 (big to small, if you don’t have any you can redesign the controller with the light yellows to make it work).

Total connectors - 539

Other things

-ball - as many as you want as long as you at least have one ball.

-blacks - 8

-total other things - 9

Total pieces - 1266

Step 1: Wacky Thing

build the hitting thingies

Step 2: The Base

build the base

Step 3: The Top + Sides

We are almost done! You can raise the wall if you want, or just follow.

Step 4: Goals

This is the last building step. You might have noticed some of the different colored pieces I used like the yellows connectors are golds. If you don’t want to do that, then just use the regular colors and follow what it says in the piece count.

Step 5: How to Play

How to play:

The goal in this game is to be the first person to score 5 or more goals. All you do is try to hit the ball with your controller and get it threw the opposite goal. If someone scores a goal, they get 1 point.

If someone wins then the game is over, and you can stop, or play again!