Introduction: Knex Napkin Holder
This is my 1st instructable.Easy and simple to make.and practicle is a napkin can hold papers 2.
Step 1: Making the Sides
For this step u will need 2 make 2 of these sides.For this step u will also need 10 white connectors,2 gray connectors,2 red rods,4 yellow rods,and 10 blue rods.
Step 2: The Bottom of the Holder
This is the bottom of the napkin holder.For this last step you will need 14 gray connectors,8 red connectors,4 red rods,and 5 blue sorry i dnt have the last step.Connecting the pieces.but im gonna tell u how.take the side that has 2 white connectors and clip 1 of them on 1 of the blue sides.then the other wite 1 on the the same for the other piece.then u have made ur very own KNEX NAPKIN HOLDER.