Introduction: Knex P264 (Build)

About: Knex builder here at Instructables. I build Guns, and, Roller Coaster. I currently build about 2-3 guns a month. I strive to post quality as well as quantity. If you have any ideas for a gun for me to try out,…
Hello instructibles and I am here bringing you instructions to the P264 handle fed pistol.
Go to the original post to see the stats

WARNING this gun requires many broken pieces, if you do not have broken pieces or do not intend on breaking pieces this gun is not for you. If you are fine with breaking pieces then proceed to the next step.

CAUTION I cannot be help responsible for any injuries that may occur while shooting this gun for it has potential to do damage to other human beings. Never point at a persons head for you can cause forever blindness.

Step 1: Handle

The broken pieces on the handle are not necessary but recommended they can be replaced with normal blue rods

Step 2: Body

This step is very long and complicated
Note the red connector does not snap onto the trigger

Step 3: Assembly

Easy step congrats you have finished the gun now to the mags

Step 4: Mags

Your done
Note you have to take the metalic connector off before you can put into the mag then reattach.

Step 5: Loading and Firing

To fire pull ram back until you here a click, then pull back a little more until you here a second click let the ram go back forward until it stops aim and then pull the trigger.

Please drop a comment telling me what you think, if you build put a pic in the comments and I will post it on this ible, please tell me if you have trouble and I will try and help