Introduction: Knex PS3 Slim Organization System

About: I've been building and engineering since as far back as I can remember. My first building toys were those wooden blocks, and at age 4, I upgraded to cereal box samples of K'nex. I also participate in sports, m…
Recently, my PS3 system has been getting pretty warm. I am not one to assume but one can only assume that the increase in temperature is not good for a PS3 system. My answer to this problem was to raise the PS3 above the ground allowing more airflow. This system has kept my PS3 system much cooler recently. Also, as an added bonus, raising the PS3 allowed for storage space in which I have placed room for 4 games and 2 controllers. 

Step 1: Building the Base

1-2: two different views of the same part
3-4: two different views of another part
5: connect the two parts you just made
6-7: two vies of the same part
8: connect it to the part you made in step 5 

Easy enough right? Head on over to step 2 to finish up the build.

Step 2: Cover for the PS3

1-3: 3 vies of the same part
4: connect it to the base

Done with the build, now its time to see how it all fits together

Step 3: Inserting Various PS3 Components PLUS Some Add Ons

Follow the yellow boxes, for strong with the force they are, or not maybe. Follow them just. Or the Galactic Empire might come after you (probably not).

Enjoy your new Knex PS3 organization system and happy gaming!!