Introduction: Knex Shotgun
This is my personally made shotgun that shoots a good 40 ft with three rubberbands with a bullet and it will make a small hole in the wall and it will knock the wind out of you if you shoot yourself in the stomach.
Took me 10 mins to build
Took me 10 mins to build
Step 1: Handle
sorry for quality but do the best you can it is really easy
Step 2: Frame
This will take al ot of yellow connectors and white rods
Step 3: Rubber Band Holder and Trigger
This shows you the rubber band holder and trigger and where to put it
Step 4: Connecting the Two Frames and Bullet Holder
this shows me connecting the two frames to become one with orange connectors and blue rods and the bullet holder
Step 5: Rubberbands, Handle, Important Piece
Attaching handle, important piece, and rubberbands
Step 6: The Bullet. How to Shoot
This is the bullet it shoots a good 40 ft with 3 thick rubberbands that stretch all the way.
to shoot you need to pull the first green rod back to it makes a click sound and you press the second one far back enough to shoot
to shoot you need to pull the first green rod back to it makes a click sound and you press the second one far back enough to shoot