Introduction: Knex Shotgun Pistol

About: My name is Hiyadudez. I make stuff. "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
This is a knex shotgun pistol. This gun fires 3 white rod at the same time. You just cock back the ram, load in the 3 white rod, pull the trigger and.... FIRE!

  • Good range
  • Reliable trigger
  • Comfy handle
  • Spreads the bullets
  • Can withstand loads of bands
  • Has iron sights
  • You have to manually load the bullets
  • Takes about 6-8 seconds to reload (Thats valuble time in a war!)

Check out this video of it firing!

get building! :-)

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Step 1: Handle

This is the handle. Read the notes on the pictures.

Step 2: The Back End

This is the back end. Read the notes on the pictures.

Step 3: The Main Barrel

This is the main barrel. Read the notes on the pictures.

There are quite alot of pictures on this step because it is quite hard... :/

Step 4: The Ram + Trigger

This is the hram and trigger. Read the notes on the pictures.

This requires a cut part.

Step 5: Assembling

This is how to assemble all of the parts you just made. Read the notes on the pictures.

Step 6: Adding the Rubberbands

Adding the rubberbands. Follow the notes.

Step 7: Finished!

Congratulations! You have finshed you shotgun pistol!

Oh yeah... please rate comment and subscribe! Thaanks!

Also, here is a video of how to load and fire it!