Introduction: Knex Slingshot Pistol

About: Meme's favourite users (Who I always talk to): 1.Geodez 2.Dr.Ritchofen 3. DJ Radio 4. Potato Coffee 5.~KGB~ 6. Guiguivivin 7. Beanie Ostrich (Formerly, now inactive mostly) Well that's it I guess.
Hi. This My First instructable. Thank you for stumbling upon it.

As you may see here a simple 5ft gun, the potential is in the slingshot mechanism, allowing to ranges of 50ftpls.I will not be posting as I believe it is simple enough to build from the pictures. If you wish, simply just ask for more pictures.
Oh and also, fold the #64 rubber band over, or if possible simply use a #34

Have fun sensibly with  my Pistol!!!


Range 4.5/5

Power 5/5

Looks 2/5

Accuracy 5/5

Do not hesitate to ask for help