Introduction: K'nex Steyr TMP

About: Hey there. I won't add too much info here, as it'll show up as one big paragraph. I'm not super active anymore, on here.

Hello there.
This is what I believe the first TMP (Tactical Machine Pistol, or Taktische Maschinenpistole in German) on this site.
It was requested by Anime Kid.
The top is a little too flat for my liking, but overall, it's pretty close.
Pros and cons:
+ Compact
+ Looks decent
+ Charging handle
+ Moving Trigger
~ Removable magazine like things
- Top is too flat IMO
- The way that the magazines are removed isn't the neatest way

- Blue Mullet, for the handle. The real one's one is hard to make sturdy and good looking in k'nex, this was the best alternative for me
- The Dunkis, for the red dot sight. The part with the half circle is from his bullpup model

I hope you like it, and please tell me what you think.