Introduction: Knex Target

About: My name is Curescu Elias Paul , 9 years old and I live at number 4 Aurel Vlaicu scale C block A2 1st floor apartment in July and I like to make with knex .

This is a one automatic target. It`s big in height.

Step 1: Step 1:The Target Base

It`s automatic because you shoot the target and shoot it again spate.tu go into it without realizing you put in a certain position and shoot when she is coming back and sitting in front and shoot .

Step 2: Step 2: the Head of Target

This part is very easy. But and the target is easy. you can to make with one, two or three wheels. I make awith one wheel and wuth three wheels. I recommed to made with one wheel.

Step 3: Step 3: the Test

this is a one very beautiful and simple target.