Introduction: Knex- the Top 10 Highest Rated Knex 'ibles of 2009

About: My name is Hiyadudez. I make stuff. "The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
These are the top 10 highest rated knex 'ibles of 2009.

P.s. These are not in order.

Step 1:

Step 2: Chaos Knex Ball Machine

Chaos Knex Ball Machine

Made by: Darth Trainman

Step 3: Power Glide - Knex Rollercoaster

Power Glide - Knex Rollercoaster

Made by: The_burrito_master

Step 4: WW2 Springfield

WW2 Springfield

Made by: KnexStealth

Step 5: Knex Heavy Cannon

Knex Heavy Cannon

Made by: I_Am_Canadian

Step 6: A.D.U Bazooka - Knex Bazooka

A.D.U Bazooka - Knex Bazooka

Made by: Viccie.B1993

Step 7: Knex M4 Carbine

Knex M4 Carbine

Made by: Dutchwarlord

Step 8: Z35 K'nex Assault Rifle

Z35 K'nex Assault Rifle

Made by: Oblivitus

Step 9: Knex Pistol "Spiff"

Knex Pistol "Spiff"


Step 10: Knex Heavy Cannon V5 - Handheld

Knex Heavy Cannon v5 - Handheld

Made by: I_Am_Canadian

Step 11: The Sipriani Rifle V 2.0

The Sipriani Rifle V 2.0

Made by: Viccie.B1993