Introduction: Knex USP
This is my knex USP based on the real life gun, not the one from COD MW2 :P. I hope you guys like it!
Nice design
Appealing(in my opinion)
10 shot mag( can be extended at will)
Comfy handle
True trigger
25-35 feet range
The top of it (above the top track) is a little weak but can be fixed)
Uhum I can't think of anymore, let me know if there are any.
Nice design
Appealing(in my opinion)
10 shot mag( can be extended at will)
Comfy handle
True trigger
25-35 feet range
The top of it (above the top track) is a little weak but can be fixed)
Uhum I can't think of anymore, let me know if there are any.
Step 1: First Layer
Make this.
Add in your gray/white rods.
Add in your gray/white rods.
Step 2: Track/ Second Layer
Make these.
Add these on.
Add these on.
Step 3: Trigger
Make this.
Add it in.
Add it in.
Step 4: Second Layer of Handle
Make this.
Add it on.
Step 5: Final Layer
Make this.
Add it on.
Add it on.
Step 6: Ramrod, Mag Push, and Banding
Make this.
Make this.
Make this.